Contact us

We can accept referrals from your primary care vet to book a scheduled appointment. Or telephone or email us yourselves and leave us a message (please do not text for initial enquiries as this can be a less reliable way to contact us).
Office hours are 9.30am to 3.00pm Monday to Friday. If your enquiry is not acknowledged immediately it may be that we are with a family and so our focus will be on them. Or we may be on the phone to another family-we will not rush these calls. We will always do our best to answer you as soon as we can.
Messages left outside of office hours or over a weekend or bank holiday will not be accessed until the next working day. Please be aware of this and refer to your primary care vet if you are in need of immediate assistance.
For more urgent enquiries, same day booking will be dependent on our availability. We will help if we can but we cannot always accommodate visits at short notice. If you feel you may need a same day appointment please leave a voicemail ahead of office hours, where possible, and we can contact you at the start of the working day. Where available, same day bookings will be charged our normal fee.

Contact us on 01626 353350 or 07515 283861. Or please use the contact form below. We will respond in the same way you have approached us unless you specifically request a direct call so if emailing direct or choosing to get in touch via the contact form below please do add our email address to your contacts or remember to check the junk/spam folder of your account if you do not appear to have had a response.